Platform-specific utilities
The Platform
class in OneConfig's utils
module is a means to provide several methods which will serve the same function regardless of what Minecraft version or mod loader is currently being used by the player. It serves several general purpose, smaller platform utilities such a localization, mod loader, OpenGL, etc utilities.
Mod loader platform
Getting the current Minecraft version
(or Platform.loader().getMinecraftVersion()
) returns a 0-padded representation of the current Minecraft version, f.ex: 11605
or 10809
which represent 1.16.5 and 1.8.9 respectively.
Getting the current mod loader name
(or Platform.loader().getLoader()
) returns the current mod loader, represented by the Loaders
enum, which contains FORGE
Checking if we're in a developer environment
(or Platform.loader().isDevelopmentEnvironment()
) can be used to check if the player is currently inside of a developer environment.
Checking if a specific mod ID is loaded
(or Platform.loader().isModLoaded(String)
) returns a boolean for if a mod with the given ID is currently loaded.
Getting all currently loaded mods
(or Platform.loader().getLoadedMods()
) returns a list of ActiveMod
instances, all containing information such as a mod's name, ID, version and where it was loaded from (it's source).
Player platform
Checking if the player is in multiplayer
(or Platform.player().inMultiplayer()
) returns a boolean for if the player is currently connected to a multiplayer server or LAN world.
Checking if the player currently exists (in a world)
(or Platform.player().inMultiplayer()
) returns a boolean for if the player is currently connected to a multiplayer server or LAN world.
Getting the player's username
Getting information about the server the player is connected to
GL platform
Screen platform
I18n platform
Last updated