public MyConfig() {
addDependency("myOptionName", "myOtherOptionName"); // Disables myOptionName when myOtherOptionName = false
// The above obviously only works when myOtherOptionName is a boolean-typed option.
addDependency("myOtherOtherOptionName", () -> Property.Display.HIDDEN); // Hides myOtherOtherOptionName
addDependency("myOtherOtherOtherOptionName", "myOptionName", true); // Hides myOtherOtherOtherOptionName when myOptionName is false
init {
addDependency("myOptionName", "myOtherOptionName") // Disables myOptionName when myOtherOptionName = false
// The above obviously only works when myOtherOptionName is a boolean-typed option.
addDependency("myOtherOtherOptionName") { Property.Display.HIDDEN } // Hides myOtherOtherOptionName
addDependency("myOtherOtherOtherOptionName", "myOptionName", true) // Hides myOtherOtherOtherOptionName when myOptionName is false
Hiding your options
public MyConfig() {
hideIf("myOptionName", () -> true); // Hides myOptionName
hideIf("myOptionName", "myOtherOptionName"); // Hides myOptionName if myOtherOptionName is false
// The above obviously only works when myOtherOptionName is a boolean-typed option.
init {
hideIf("myOptionName") { true } // Hides myOptionName
hideIf("myOptionName", "myOtherOptionName") // Hides myOptionName if myOtherOptionName is false
// The above obviously only works when myOtherOptionName is a boolean-typed option.
What's the difference?
You can use addDependency to fine-tune the display status of your options based on your own conditions or other options. By default, simply using addDependency and passing the options of your choosing will cause the dependant to be disabled rather than hidden.
hideIf will ALWAYS completely hide the option passed to it based on the condition(s) provided as opposed to having to pick a display status.