Below are screenshots of the new GUI. Yes, these are concept designs, but it's basically been implemented 1:1 and I'm way too lazy to take actual screenshots lol
Now split into multiple, non-Minecraft dependant modules, and one Minecraft module
Uses PolyUI
- Extremely optimized UI lib, using NanoVG
- "Render what you need ONLY WHEN you need it"
- Performance boost as a result of this
- As a result, theming support is automatic and will be implemented soon
Official support for Legacy Fabric and modern MC (Forge, Fabric, and soon NeoForge)
Commands can now be created via `CommandBuilder`, a Brigadier-style builder.
Complete rewrite of config system
- Now supports more than just registering config values via annotations
Complete rewrite of HUD system
- Using PolyUI
- Separate from configs now
- Supports multiple of a HUD
- As explained, you can use `LegacyHud` to just render like in V0. But we STRONGLY recommend using the new PolyUI-based APIs
Keybind rewrite
Package changes
You should be able to do a find and replace with import <old package name> . Go in opposite order from this list if you want to do a full search and replace.
@Main and @SubCommand -> @Command
@Description -> @Parameter
@Greedy -> `greedy` field in @Command annotation
OneColor -> PolyColor
@VigilanceName (or any other migrator name -> @PreviousName (check javadocs for new syntax)
new OneColor(value) -> ColorUtils.rgba(value)
NetworkUtils.getJsonElement -> JsonUtils.parseFromUrl
JsonUtils.parseString -> `parse` or `parseOrNull`
EventManager.register notes:
- We strongly recommend devs to switch from annotation-based event registering to the new system.
- EventManager.register(EventName.class, (event) -> { doStuff(); });
- In Kotlin you can do eventHandler { event: EventName -> { doStuff() } }.register()
- If for whatever reason you cannot, keep the following in mind:
- Registered objects to the EventManager are now not removable by default. To allow it to be removed, call `register(new ClassName(), true)`
TickDelay -> EventDelay.ticks
RenderTickDelay -> EventDelay.render
new VigilanceMigrator (or any other migrator) -> `loadFrom` method in config.
CommandManager.INSTANCE.registerCommand -> CommandManager.registerCommand
CommandManager.INSTANCE.addParser -> CommandManager.INSTANCE.registerParser
@Command `aliases` field -> `value`
- it is now an array, you pass the main one as the first and the rest as aliases
Notifications.INSTANCE.send -> NotificationsManager.INSTANCE.enqueue
- You now need to provide a notification "type"
- We'll probably rename the class back to Notifications depending on how things go
Multithreading.runAsync -> Multithreading.submit
ConfigUtils.getProfileFile ->
- Returns a Path instead of a File
HypixelUtils.INSTANCE -> HypixelUtils
- Locraw Util is completely removed, instead we now provide a Hypixel Mod API-based API in HypixelUtils
ArgumentParser.complete -> getAutoCompletions
- It is now nullable, so pass `null` instead of an empty list
- For config annotations, the `name` field is now `title`
- For config annotations, `size` is removed. All config options are "size 2"
- **VERY IMPORTANT** - variables in configs are NOT serialized by default anymore. Instead of @Exclude-ing variables you don't want, you need to @Include variable you DO want and not annotate the others.
- new VigilanceMigrator (or any other migrator) -> `loadFrom` method in config.
- @VigilanceName (or any other migrator name -> @PreviousName (check javadocs for new syntax)
- `initialize` method is no longer necessary.
- addListener -> addCallback
We recommend checking out our mods, which have somewhat already been ported to V1 (59%). Good examples are CrashPatch, EvergreenHUD, and Hytils Reborn. Here is a periodically updated list of our ported mods: